Frequently Asked Questions


1. What is the CESP acceptance policy?

ANSWER: Students are accepted after we receive a complete application package, it takes about 15 working days to prepare the official Letter of Acceptance and a document required for visa formalities. These acceptance documents are then sent by air-mail to the address specified by the student in the CESP Application Form. This system provides sufficient time for students to make arrangements for their studies in Prague. The capacity of the CESP Summer University is 52 students. Again, the best strategy for being accepted is apply in time.

2. Is there an entrance examination to CESP?

ANSWER: There is no entrance examination, nor do we require a TOEFL certificate. Students who come with a poor knowledge of English have no chance to receive credits. On the other hand, the students must enclose a transcript from their University from which is clear their average grading. Student must have at least a 2.5 grade point average on a scale of 4.0 or an equivalent good standing at the home university.

3. How can I pay the CESP semester application fee (= 100 EUR) or CESP application fee for Summer University (50 EUR) ?

ANSWER: The best way how to pay the application fee is to pay by credit card via on-line form on our website.

You can also pay by bank-to-bank transfer. The specification of the CESP account is as follows:
Bank Name: Czech Savings Bank Prague
Bank Street Address: Olbrachtova 1929/62
City: Praha 4
Zip Code: 140 00
Country: Czech Republic
IBAN: CZ2108000000000001828782
Beneficiary Name: Prague University of Economics and Business
Beneficiary Account Number: 1828782/0800

4. What is the exact cost of tuition for a semester? Is the cost the same no matter how many courses are taken?

ANSWER: The price is on request:  The maximum number of courses for which a student can register is 4. Otherwise the tuition does not depend on the number of courses taken. The tuition is the same whether a student elects to take 4 courses or not. The fee for additional 5th course is 300 € (EUR).

5. How to pay the CESP tuition fee?

ANSWER: The best way how to pay the CESP tuition fee is by credit card via on-line form on our website.

You can also pay by bank-to-bank transfer. The specification of the CESP account is as follows:

Bank Name: Czech Savings Bank Prague
Bank Street Address: Olbrachtova 1929/62
City: Praha 4
Zip Code: 140 00
Country: Czech Republic
IBAN: CZ2108000000000001828782
Beneficiary Name: Prague University of Economics and Business
Beneficiary Account Number: 1828782/0800

6. What is the CESP refunding policy?


Fall / Spring Semester 

  1. After students receive Acceptance letter from CESP Office they have to pay 500 EUR Blocking Fee.
  2. If the payment is not transferred in required time students are obliged to pay handling fee of 200 EUR.
  3. Once student registers in the Prague CESP office, he/she may receive 30 % of the tuition fee in case he/she decides to leave due to a serious reason before the end of the first week of the program. Student will have to declare that he/she has not received any financial support from public resources for studies in Prague.
  4. If student decides to leave the program later, he/she will not receive a refund.

Summer University

  1. After students receive Acceptance letter from CESP Office they have to pay 1000 EUR Blocking Fee within 14 days.
  2. After students receive Acceptance letter from CESP Office and did not pay blocking fee within 14 days and were given waiver to pay at the latest on the Orientation day of the start of program and they did not show up, they have to pay 100 EUR penalty related to the administration cost incurred with processing theirs Applications.
  3. Once student registers in the Prague CESP office, he/she may receive 30 % of the tuition fee in case he/she decides to leave due to a serious reason before the end of the first week of the program. Student will have to declare that he/she has not received any financial support from public resources for studies in Prague.
  4. If student sends us the full CESP fee but is unable to register for studies and withdraws from the program before its official start, we will return the full amount less 500 EUR (to cover the transaction cost). Student will have to declare that he/she has not received any financial support from public resources for studies in Prague.

7. Can I apply for a CESP (or UEP) scholarship?

ANSWER: As compared to similar international programs in Europe, CESP is inexpensive. We wish to keep this competitive advantage, but on the other hand, we cannot afford to provide any scholarships.

8. How should the “resume about yourself” (or CV) be presented?

ANSWER: The resume (CV) is to be enclosed with the CESP Application and Registration Form. No special structure is prescribed. Typically, it is one page of a text where the potential student summarizes essential facts about his/her life, education, professional career (if any), and hobbies. He/she should also devote one or two lines to explain how he/she got the idea to study in Prague.

9. Which transcript should I attach to the application?

ANSWER: CESP requires clear documentation that the applicant has studied for at least two semesters (or one year) at a university. The documentation must also provide information about the student’s academic standing. Please keep in mind that (until now) CESP hosted students from 28 countries located on four continents, so that it is difficult to define an exact form of documents valid for all potential applicants.

10. What does it mean if you say that the program starts on February X (September Y, June Z …)?

ANSWER: It means that you are supposed to register in the CESP office on February X (September Y, June Z…), usually between 9:00 and 12:00 a.m. You will then be given detailed instructions about what to do next.

11. How many credit hours are given to each course?

ANSWER: Each CESP course represents 52 contact classroom hours (one teaching unit = 45 minutes) in addition to homework. The total workload of each CESP course is 182 hours. According to ECTS and VSE classification this represents 6 ECTS credits; according to US credit system it is worth 3 credits. Unless CESP obtains another request, an official transcript confirming credits for each successfully completed course will be sent to the address specified by the CESP student.

12. Are the courses offered considered “upper level”? Which ones are or are not?

ANSWER: With the exception of language courses, all remaining courses on the list of CESP courses are upper level or graduate level courses.

13. May I change my registration of courses after I arrive to Prague?

ANSWER: No, the course selection is a part of the application form. Courses 1 – 4 will be considered as student’s final course registration. Students will be allowed to change their course registration only in case there is a scheduling conflict or the selected course is cancelled.

In order to open a course, there must be at least 10 students registered.
It is not possible to choose the courses, which overlap in the schedule.

14. Can I register also for any non-CESP courses offered at VSE in English?

ANSWER: Due to the high number of foreign students in other English programs at VSE, as a CESP student you cannot register for non-CESP courses. We can guarantee the spot for you only in CESP courses, furthermore there is no timetable and capacity coordination between CESP Schedule and other courses offered at VSE.

15. How to apply for dormitory?

ANSWER: CESP does not organize the accommodation for students. Accommodation for CESP students is provided in the Thalerova (Jarov III. G) student dormitory about 20 minutes by tram from the university building. Due to the high imbalance between demand and supply is the number of places as well in double as in single rooms limited. Therefore , we recommend to fill in your application as early as possible.

How to apply for  accommodation in the Dormitory of the Prague University of Economics and Business

a) Application can be filled in only by individual student (not through coordinators)

By selecting the university dormitories in CESP application form, you will receive instructions how to register for the dormitories by e-mail.

16. How can I get from the Prague airport (train station) to the dormitory?

ANSWER: All students accepted to CESP (or its Summer University) will obtain a letter containing detailed information about what to do after arriving in Prague.

The address of the Student Dormitory Thalerova, JAROV (in Czech, phonetically: “KOLEY TALEROVA, YAROV”) is: Kolej Thalerova, Jeseniova 210, block G, 130 00 Praha 3.

To get to Jarov:

a) From the main train station (“Hlavni nadrazi”): Take tram #9 in the direction “Spojovaci” and exit at the stop called “Strazni”. When you get off the tram, walk along the tram track. Then turn to the right in Jeseniova street, you will see block G in front of you (high building with blue balconies). Do not hesitate to ask any young people you meet along the way.

b) From the train station “Nadrazi Holesovice”: Take the red line of the metro (underground) to “Hlavni nadrazi” and follow the directions above.

c) From the airport: Take bus #119 to the end-line metro stop called “Nadrazi Veleslavin” (green line). Take the metro to the stop called “Můstek”. Transfer to tram number #9 in the direction of “Spojovaci” and exit at the stop called “Strazni”. Follow the directions from “Strazni” given above. The quickest and most comfortable option is to take a taxi straight to Kolej Jarov. The driver should not charge more than 900 Kc from the airport or 500 from either train station. Agree on the price before you get in the cab.

17. Can someone help me get from the airport to the dorms?

ANSWER: The only way is to take part in the Buddy System and get a Czech student to help you.

18. How do I use public transport in Prague?

ANSWER: To use public transport when you first arrive, you have to buy tickets that cost 40 CZK  each. The ticket is valid for the bus, tram or subway (“metro”). The trip may include transfers and cannot last more than 90 minutes. The tickets are sold in special orange color vending machines at the airport, major subway stops, near main tram stops and in tobacco shops (i.e., not on trams or buses). Please read the instructions (they are also in English) on the vending machines. The machines also sell tickets for 24 and 72 hour use.

19. May I bring my car to Prague?

ANSWER: Yes, you may, but parking is extremely difficult to find. Bear in mind that the car may be stolen unless you have a really good safety system. Incidence of car theft is high in Prague, so be sure to install good-quality theft protection. But it’s better to find a safe parking place (you have to pay for).

20. Where are the CESP students accommodated and what does a meal plan include? What is the cost of meals?

ANSWER: CESP students (who apply for accommodation and pay deposit) stay in the university dormitory located in Prague – Jarov. (It takes you 15 – 20 minutes by tram to get to the university campus).

The tuition fee does not include accommodation, transportation and meal expenses. Meals are offered both in the dormitory and on the UEP campus. Students may take advantage of the student cafeterias located at the University or in the dormitory area. Czech students typically eat for 15 € per day, a reasonable estimate for a foreign student is 20  € .

21. What will I need for living in the dormitory?

ANSWER: All that you will need for living in the dormitory (like sheets, bedclothes) will be provided to you by the dormitory commissionaire. There are dishes available in the dormitory kitchenettes. But even here the best strategy is to bring nothing and buy the potentially missing equipment cheaply in Prague.

22. How to find CESP office?

ANSWER: The CESP office is at the Prague University of Economics and Business (“Vysoka skola ekonomicka v Praze”). You reach it by tram #5, 9, 15, 26 to stop “Husinecka” and walk about 50 meters in the direction of the tram to the W. Churchill Square. The office is located in the Paradise building – Rajská budova in Czech (the newest one), 5th floor, room RB543 and RB544 . Many Czech students speak English fairly well, so feel free to ask them for help if you have problems getting around the university.

23. Where should I have mail and packages sent?

ANSWER: You should address your mail and packages to the CESP office and pick them up afterwards. The correct form of the address to the office is:
Your name
Prague University of Economics and Business
Nám. W. Churchilla 4
130 67 Praha 3
Czech Republic

24. What to do if your package is withheld by customs?

ANSWER: The reason for withholding a package and steps to retrieve it can be found at

25. How do I proceed, when I need an additional transcript?

ANSWER: Easiest way is to contact our office by email ( stating how many transcripts do you need and your personal address.
Price is 100 EUR for an additional transcript copy.

How to pay for transcripts? There are two ways how to do it.

  • by credit card via on-line form on our website
  • Send a specified amount through bank to bank transfer (for bank account details see section Tuition)

26. Are there internship opportunities available in Prague?

ANSWER: CESP does not organize internships for CESP students. Firms and institutions in Prague use Czech language almost exclusively, while CESP students usually do not speak Czech. Nonetheless, some (very few) CESP students have been able to find internships by contacting international firms during their studies in Prague.

27. Could you give me the names, phone numbers, and/or e-mail addresses of students that have recently participated in this program?

ANSWER: CESP does not distribute personal data of former CESP students. We may provide addresses of foreign universities that regularly send their students to CESP. It is up to them to decide whether or not they will distribute information on former participants.

28. Can I leave the program before its official end?

ANSWER: Leaving the program before its end is allowed only exceptionally and under the following conditions:

  • The student cannot leave the program earlier than 14 days before its officially specified end. If the student leaves earlier than this, CESP will not issue the official transcript of credits.
  • The student must apply for earlier leave at least 30 days before he/she plans to leave and must present an acceptable reason for his/her leave.
  • The student must negotiate the conditions for his/her grading with professors individually. CESP will not investigate any student’s complaints about grading if the student decides to leave before the end of the program.

29. Can I take on more than the maximum of 4 courses ?

ANSWER: It is possible, although there is a nominal fee of 300 EUR per each extra course over the limit of 4 per semester (valid from the Fall semester 2011). This fee will be added to total tuition fee.